Tajikistan Flood Relief

Tajikistan, July 2015 – In July 2015 villages across Tajikistan experienced severe flooding and mud flows as the result of an outburst of glacial lakes
Earthquake relief in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan

Afghanistan/Tajikistan/Pakistan, October 2015 – Following a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Central Asia in October 2015, Focus Humanitarian Assistance – in collaboration with the Aga Khan
Agreement for a new phase of “creating opportunities in a safe environment”

Tajikistan, July 2016 – Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS), an affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network, and the Swiss Cooperation Office in Tajikistan have signed
Avalanche safety and rescue teams deployed in Gbao

The ChallengeTajikistan, February 2019 – Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO), a region highly vulnerable to natural hazards, has a long history of being negatively impacted by
How AKAH Tajikistan is increasing emergency response readiness

TAJIKISTAN (April 2020) – The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) recently conducted refresher trainings for members of the Rasht Valley’s Community Emergency Response Teams
AKAH organizes training for female rescuers in Dushanbe

Tajikistan, March 2019 – The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) helped support the efforts to launch a week-long training for female rescuers from Afghanistan