Over 25 years of building disaster resilience
Providing emergency relief, preparedness, and response to communities
suffering from natural disasters or man-made crises.

Plan, Prepare, and Stay Informed.
Don’t walk, swim or drive in flooded waters. Turn around, don’t drown.
Create Your Family Emergency Plan in Just a Few Easy Steps
Providing emergency relief, preparedness and response to communities suffering
from natural disasters or man-made crises.

FOCUS USA and AKAH Partnering to Respond to Devastating Flooding in Pakistan
Plan, Prepare, and Stay Informed.
Don’t walk, swim or drive in flooded waters. Turn around, don’t drown.
Hurricane & Flood Preparedness. Hurricane season begins in less than 50 days!
Providing emergency relief, preparedness and response to communities suffering
from natural disasters or man-made crises.

FOCUS USA and AKAH Partnering to Respond to Devastating Flooding in Pakistan
Plan, Prepare, and Stay Informed.
Don’t walk, swim or drive in flooded waters. Turn around, don’t drown.
Hurricane & Flood Preparedness. Hurricane season begins in less than 50 days!
Your dollars at work, our stories
Where we work
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, India, Pakistan, Middle East, Europe, USA, and Canada.

Become a FOCUSstar today

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FOCUS requires your support to continue it’s ongoing work around the world.
By becoming a FOCUSstar, you can give a regular monthly donation to continue to support us and the most vulnerable members of society.